Email Armor
Session Management

Local Session Validation

Let's integrate the local session check function from the Email Armor module to validate a session quickly and efficiently.


The localSessionCheck function verifies whether a JWT token is valid on the server side without requiring database validation, speeding up the session validation process.

Configuration for localSessionCheck Function

1. Integration

// Fetch headers for verification
const headersList = headers();
const username = headersList.get('userName');
const jwtToken = headersList.get('token');
// Verify the session
const response = await localSessionCheck(username, jwtToken, userAgent);
// userAgent = Name of the user's agent (e.g., browser, device, etc.)

2. Error Responses

202Session exists.
400Session doesn't exist.
401Your device is unauthorized.
500An unexpected error occurred. Please report this issue at GitHub.

3. Success Response

When you receive a 202 response, it means the session exists. The response will include the following details:

    userName: priyalraj, 
    message: "Session exists.",
    status: 202

Final Step: Configuring the Server Session Check Function

We've covered how to integrate localSessionCheck for quick JWT token validation. Now, it's time to implement the more comprehensive serverSessionCheck, which performs a deeper validation by checking session data against the database. This robust method is ideal for critical API operations that require a higher level of security and thorough session verification.

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